Private Tutoring
I am now offering private online tutoring for those looking to develop their nature and landscape photography skills.
One on one training with a professional photographer right there to coach you through your work flow and answering all your questions is one of the best ways to improve. There are many benefits to this excellent learning resource, from greatly improving your post processing skills to learning how to get the best shot in the field. It doesn't matter where you are in your photographic journey, whether just starting out or a full time hobbyist, it is always good to get a professional perspective.
Some of the topics we can cover:
Capture One and Canon DPP
Luminosity Masks
Professional Compositions and how to break the rules
Color Balance
Black and White Photography
I can teach you no matter where in the world you may be – as long you have an internet connection that is! Private lessons are available via Skype at a rate of $60 USD per hour, making a typical 2 hour session $120. Two hours are recommended for a full course that generally allows for enough time to go over a substantial amount of information. I am also available to answer any questions my clients have via email at any time after our session.
Some things you need before a session.
Google Drive to send me the RAW files of your choosing so that we can go over them.
Working Skype account and a place with good internet connection
Please use the contact form below to write me about your interest in setting up a date for a tutoring session. You can also email me at
Payments made via Paypal.